Gallery/Institution (use correct legal name)
address & phone #
address & phone #
re: ________________________________________________________
Title of work(s)/exhibition
To be exhibited at ___________________________________________________________________
name & address of gallery/institution
commencing ______________________________ until _____________________
date date
The work(s) to be exhibited is outlined as:
and consists of _________________________, described by the artist as follows:
# of works
CONTRACT between __________________________ and _________________________ page 2.
1. __________________________________________________ will be delivered to the
Title of exhibition
gallery/institution by _______________________. The responsibility for shipping, handling,
and return to its place of origin for the exhibition rests with:
( ) the artist(s)
( ) the gallery/institution
The responsibility for providing insurance for the exhibition, agreed to be in effect from________________ to ____________________
date date
to ______________________ and for the amount of $___________________, payable to the
insured defined as __________________________________________________, rests
( ) the artist(s)
( ) the gallery/institution
2. The work(s) named above will be installed and de-installed by:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
and will include the complete set-up of lighting, etc. to do with the exhibition. The exhibition will take place in the gallery in a space defined as:
room, floor #
3. All publicity for the exhibition shall be the responsibility of:
( ) the gallery/institiution
( ) the artist(s)
CONTRACT between ______________________ and_______________________. page 3.
and this publicity is detailed as follows: ________________________________________________________________________
and this will/will not include a catalogue to be produced by:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
The catalogue is described as: ____________________________________, ________________________
# of colour pages, b/w # of pages
and ______________________________________________.
format, binding
4. An Artist's fee of $_________ will be paid by the gallery to the artist(s) on or by _________________.
An advance retainer of ______% of the artist's fee will be paid by the gallery to the artist by
_______________. date
5. In the event that the artist(s) is not resident in the same city as the gallery where the exhibition will take place, it will/will not be required that the artist(s) attend the exhibition. If attendance is required, the responsibility for the artist(s) accommodation, travel and transportation (including taxis), rests with:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
This will/will not include $___________ per diem.
It is agreed that there will/will not be an appearance/speaker's fee of $___________ to be paid by the gallery to the artist(s) on attendance, and which will be separate from any rental or artists' fees.
6. It is agreed that the ownership and copyright of the work(s) on exhibit listed above will be retained by the artist(s). The art work(s) will not be reproduced or copied in part or in total in any medium without the written permission of the artist(s). The art work(s) will not be shown by the gallery in any other form than that agreed to in this contract.
CONTRACT between __________________and _________________________.page 4.
7. The funding for the exhibition named above will be the responsibility of:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
Both parties agree to lend their names and other support, defined as: ______________________
(letter writing, personal approaches,etc.)
to assist in obtaining funding from the grant-giving bodies.
8. In the event of a sale of any or all of the art work(s) in this exhibition, it is agreed that ______% of the net proceeds will be paid to the artist(s) and ______% will be paid to the gallery/institution. This percentage agreement will be in effect for the duration of the exhibition. The selling party will insure that payment is made to the other party in this agreement by ______ days of the sale concluding. The pricing structure for the work(s) is defined as ________________________________________________________________________
list individual works and all prices agreed on
9. The acceptable standards of the gallery/institution and the artist(s) are agreed to at the onset of this agreement and they are as follows: ________________________________________________________________________
ie. policy, types of work shown, restrictions
The content of the work(s) to be exhibited under this agreement is known and understood by both parties.
10. The technical, equipment and facility requirements for this exhibition are as follows:
and the responsibility for providing these rests with:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
CONTRACT between ___________________and __________________________.page 5
It is further agreed that this contract is made in good faith between the artist(s) and an individual signing on behalf of the gallery/institution who warrants that he/she has legal authority to enter into such agreements.
Finally, it is agreed that there are no representations, warranties, promises or agreements in this contract apart from those contained above.
In agreement with the above conditions, we the undersigned, attach our names
this ________ day of______________, 200 .
Signed at _____________________________.
___________________________________ _____________________________
Gallery/Institution Artist
Prepared by:
4334 Quebec Street,
Vancouver, BC V5V 3L3 CANADA
Tel: (604) 872-1666
e-mail: onedge@shaw.ca
NOTES: i) Any deletions should be crossed out and initialled by both parties.
ii) There should be two signed copies of this contract, one for each party.
iii) ON EDGE or its agents are not providing legal advice in this contract and any queries concerning it should be addressed to a lawyer.
Commissioning a new project:
The artist(s) and the gallery/institution will agree at the onset of the contract on a budget for production costs which will include materials, equipment, rental, payment for the artist(s) labour in preparation, transport and any additional labour and technician costs. The responsibility for providing the production requirements listed above and detailed in the budget rests with:
( ) the gallery/institution
( ) the artist(s)
or is apportioned as follows:
If the production costs are to be paid for by the gallery, they will be paid in full/in part to the artist(s) on signing this contract and prior to the commencement of work.
Gallery/Institution Artist