Our mandate is to produce, present, promote art marginalized by its political, social or artistic form or content, in popular forms of media arts, multiples, publishing, videotapes, recording, live events, exhibitions, visiting artists.We are interested in cross-cultural work that challenges ideas and attitudes of what constitutes art. We present work by Canadian artists internationally. We work on censorship, artists' rights and contracting, arts management, curatorial, critical writing and publishing. We were established in 1985. Some past projects: Self-Winding (London); Asian New World (London); On Edge Contract (Atlanta); Yellow Peril: Reconsidered (Canada - national tour); Feng Shui (Newcastle, Dublin, Belfast, Derry); Auslander Video (Berlin, Vancouver); Temple of My Familiar (Belfast, Vancouver); Sovereign (Belfast, Vancouver); Exchange Resources (Belfast); Santiago Bienale (Santiago, Chile); Jazz Slave Ships (Whitehaven, Hull, U.K. VANCOUVER); Life/Live (Paris, Lisbon). Current projects: publication 13 Years On Edge (Internet); video Jazz Slave Ships (Newcastle, Vancouver); "Walas-Kwis-Gila" (Venice Biennale). Incorporated non-profit society (#S-21651 - British Columbia). Two key personnel: Elspeth Sage, Curator/Administrator; Paul Wong, Curator/Artistic Director. We have an independent artist board: Rick Erickson, Ivo Zanatta, Sharyn Yuen, Nhan Duc Nguyen, and Donnetta Arseneau. Co-produced with: UK: Locus +, Chisenhale Gallery; NORTHERN IRELAND: Flax Art, Catalyst Arts, Orchard Gallery; CANADA: Video In, grunt gallery, Western Front; ITALY: Nuova Icona, Venezia. We work on a project-to-project basis with no fixed facilities. Collaborate with individuals, artist-run centres, galleries, and private sector in galleries, warehouses, offices, outdoors, bonded warehouses, historical houses, cabarets. Based in Vancouver producing exhibitions here, abroad and on-line. We act as a liaison between local groups and artists with international sponsors, establishing a higher profile for local artists internationally. DISTRIBUTION: Internet, Video Out, V/Tape, Nuova Icona, Venezia. email:onedge@shaw.ca Website Design: Paul Wong Website Editor: Elspeth Sage Website Construction: Leo Warner puck@canada.com May 1999 All rights reserved Funded by the Canada Council Exhibition Assistance Program and B.C. Gaming Commission. |