Picturing the Yukon: Yukon Films in Vancouver
Postcard design: Guiniveve Lalena
The Elvis Project
Adam Green/Bill Kendrick, 2003, 45 min
This madcap road film follows the King and his ragtag entourage on their 2-week tour of Yukon communities, and tells the story of a Yukon man’s journey to become accepted as Elvis Aaron Presley.
Charles Hegsted, 2004, 3 min
The black and white voyage of a lizard and a hog, through the clouds. Flash animation of hand drawn ink images. As seen on Zed TV.
Dogs in Concert
Werner Walcher, NFB, 2005, 8 min
This poetic documentary explores the harmony and dynamics of a team of sled dogs.
The Man From Sad
Troy Suzuki, 2001, 3 min
What to do about the under-engineered honey-bucket bag? A man from the North has a solution.
Our Town Faro
Mitch Miyagawa/David Oppenheim, NFB, 2005, 8 min
Faro was destined to become another Yukon mining ghost town when Murray Hampton dreamed up ways to rebuild the town’s population.
The Lottery Ticket
Daniel Janke, Longest Night Society, 2003, 6 min
A silent film about a gambling pauper who has big plans for his lottery winnings. Produced for Bravofact! and starring Brian Fidler.
Santa Lucia
Richard Lawrence, 2003, 6 min
Inspired by a vision of Santa Lucia - a saint honoured in Italy and Sweden, a boy finds a way to share his birthday with those less fortunate.