Homelands video production (JOOLZ/Paul Wong)
Bruce Yonemoto, co-produced with Video In
Edgar Heap of Birds, co-prod. Native Education Centre + Video In
Cry Freedom, Anti-Racism Conference, U.B.C. Talk by Paul Wong
www.onedgeonline.com launch
Jazz Slave Ships videotape and CD
Jon Bewley - Visiting Curator
Curatorial Research in Hong Kong
Danny Yung, (Hong Kong), Visiting Artist & Curator, co-produced with Art Beatus, Video In
Life/Live at the Musee dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris, with Locus +
DeXiang Chen (China) Visiting Artist & Exhibition, produced with the Banff Centre
JAZZ SLAVE SHIPS, WITNESS, I BURN - installation and performance
10th Anniversary Series, produced at Video In & grunt gallery, LOCUS + exhibition and performance
1995 South Africa, AFRICUS 95, Johannesburg Bienale. Tour & video production
Sovereign - video production by Philip Napier, Visiting Artist (Belfast)
LOCUS + exhibition and performance
Temple of My Familiar videotape
Geography Lessons - video installation, Europa Hotel, Belfast, part of Exchange Resources exhibition
Bienal de Video de Santiago, Chile
Epiphany by Jan Wade, Walter Phillips Gallery, co-curated by Elspeth Sage and Daina Augaitis
Temple of My Familiar - site-specific installation
FENG SHUI Touring Exhibition, Newcastle, Dublin, Belfast, Derry
Auslander Video - video installation
ANNPAC Conference, Halifax, Minquon Panchayat, hosted Vancouver meeting
Curatorial research, Cuba
YELLOW PERIL: RECONSIDERED national tour & publication
Curatorial tour to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
On Edge UK Report
Ordinary Shadows, Chinese Shade video screening
Performance Issue of VIDEO GUIDE
Jon Bewley - visiting curator
In Absentia, co-curator of film + video, produced by Video In
New World Asians exhibition, Chisenhale Gallery, London
Self-Winding Performance by Paul Wong, Edge 88, London, Newcastle, Glasgow
EUROPA issue, Editors, VIDEO GUIDE
Performance issue, Editors, VIDEO GUIDE
Curatorial tour, Toronto, Montreal, New York
On Edge Distribution Tour, U.K., Holland, Germany
Curatorial Research, Academy Awards, Hollywood